Inspirational Sayings

When we get old

When we get old, we will not regret about the things that we‘ve done. We will regret the things that we haven‘t done in our life.

Forget all the arguments why

Forget all the arguments why it won‘t work and concentrate on the one reason – why it will.

Be confident and stand

Be confident and stand for what you truly believe in, even if you stand alone.

Good things might come to those

Good things might come to those who wait rather long time. But the best things come only to those, who work hard to make it happen.

Challenges are necessary

image with inspiring quote

Challenges are necessary for the person, because overcoming them makes our life meaningful and exciting.

You should always accept

You should always accept the full responsibility for your life. Only you can get yourself to the place where you want to be.

Maturity – how could you describe it

Maturity – how could you describe it? Maybe it is the ability to resist some small whims or need for immediate reward and better choosing the actions that will pay off some time later.

Maturity is also a well-measured persistence, knowing your true goals and seeking them despite of obstacles on your way. It is the ability to use your skills and knowledge and do more than is expected. And also it is having a sense what is worth fighting and what is not.

Mature person is able to control his anger during conflicts or other unpleasant situations. He solves the occurring problems with constructive approach instead of complaining. He knows that he cannot control everything, thus sometimes you just need something to let go.

Maturity is also humility, when person is able to admit his mistakes, forget his pride and at the same time preserve his dignity. Maturity is your ability to laugh at yourself.

Mature person is responsible and reliable. His words always go along with his actions. He keeps his word, so people know that they can count on him.

Maturity is also an ability to be flexible and being aware that learning and self-improvement are necessary along your way.

Maturity is being in permanent harmony with everything. It means that person is building harmonious relationship with himself, with other people, with nature.

Maturity means living in the moment, appreciation of simple things, being mindful of everything. It means that you are allowing yourself to feel gratitude of what you do have now, rather than to be looking back or forward.

Maturity is not competing, but sharing.

Think of all the people who live or ever lived on our planet

Think of all the people who live or ever lived on our planet since the very beginning of time. None of them is like you! What a miraculous thing is to be you! Nobody has the same combination of talents, abilities, sorrows and opportunities. No one has the same friends, family jokes or acquaintances. Nobody‘s finger prints are the same. No one has the same concerns or goals like you. No one! You are unique!

Accept and enjoy this uniqueness. You don‘t have to pretend to look more like other expect you to be. Don‘t be afraid to be different. No one in the world has the same things going on in his mind, soul, spirit as are going on in yours. It is a gift only to you. Treasure and share your uniqueness!

Nobody can speak your words. Nobody can smile your smile. No one can bring the same unique impact of you to another person.

Enjoy your uniqueness, let it flow out among your family and friends, all the people you meet.

Give yourself away and be inspired by the fact that you are UNIQUE!
